BEA Reports & Packages
Michigan provides developers and purchasers of property the opportunity to escape liability for delineation and remediation for “facility” level contamination at the time of purchase (contamination present above the RRD of the MDEQ Residential Cleanup Criteria).
Liability is avoided by having Innovative complete a BEA Report within the required timeframes and submitting the BEA Package to the MDEQ by one of the two submittal options (Request for Determination or Disclosure) within their respective deadlines.
The BEA option was created on June 5, 1995 for sites contaminated by releases from other than regulated UST systems and on March 6, 1996 for sites contaminated by releases from regulated UST systems. The purpose of the BEA process is to provide a snapshot of the subsurface contaminant impact at the time of purchase. This provides a means to distinguish a new release, should one occur in the future, from the contamination existing at the time of purchase.
The BEA option is a tremendous tool in facilitating the purchase and redevelopment of environmentally impaired properties. Escaping liability for contamination that exists at the time of purchase allows financial institutions the ability to move forward with financing of the property and/or project without the risk of the environmental liability or government enforcement action compromising the project.
BEA projects can range in price from $3,000.00, if recent Phase II ESA data can be utilized, to $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 or more if Phase II ESA field assessment activities and analytical testing are necessary. Innovative specializes in fast tracking BEA projects in order to facilitate quick closing on bank loans.
For further information regarding BEAs please contact Jerome Meyer at (800) 533-7474 and/or or James Springstead at (800) 553-7474 and/or