Fate & Transport Modeling
The April 13, 1995 amendments to Part 213 adopted the ASTM risk based corrective action (RBCA) process for petroleum contaminated LUST sites. The RBCA process requires that consultants implement the most cost effective corrective action at LUST sites.
 The Part 213 RBCA process incorporated a cutting edge tool called fate and transport modeling. Although cutting edge and never before utilized, Innovative incorporated fate and transport modeling into a project from early 1996. Our team of scientists utilized the Bioscreen fate and transport modeling computer software program to project how far a groundwater contaminant plume had migrated from the known distance of 300 feet hydraulically downgradient of the source area. The Bioscreen model projected at a distance of 700 feet further downgradient, the dissolved BTEX would be non-detectable and the dissolved MTBE would be at a concentration of 4,500 parts per billion (ppb). Innovative set sentinel wells at 1,000 feet downgradient from the source area and we detected 4,750 ppb of dissolved MTBE while BTEX was non-detectable.
Our Bioscreen modeling saved our client well over $150,000.00 in soil boring/monitoring well installation costs since monitoring wells were not needed between 350 and 950 feet hydraulically downgradient from the source area.
Innovative’s team of scientists has completed fate and transport modeling on over two dozen LUST projects saving tens of thousands of dollars in site assessment delineation costs.
For further information regarding Fate & Transport Modeling please contact Jerome Meyer at (800) 533-7474 and/or or James Springstead at (800) 553-7474 and/or