FAR CAP Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Plans
Part 213 requires the owner or operator to retain a qualified underground storage tank consultant (QUSTC) to perform FAR Corrective Action Plan (CAP) compliance monitoring activities. FAR CAP compliance monitoring activities typically consist of collecting subsurface water or groundwater from monitoring wells located within the source area, and in the hydraulically sidegradient and hydraulically downgradient portions of the plume. As of February of 2005, the RRD of the MDEQ requires that low flow sampling procedures be followed to allow the in well geochemical parameters to stabilize. Once the geochemical parameters have stabilized, subsurface or groundwater sampes are collected and the samples are submitted to an environmental laboratory for analysis. Once the subsurface water or groundwater sample analytical results are received, Innovative completes an analysis to the previous subsurface water or groundwater analytical results to determine the effects of natural attenuation and natural biodegradation in the cases of a more aggressive CAP the effects of the bioaugmentation bioliquid material on the dissolved hydrocarbon contaminant concentrations. Subsequent to the completion of the low flow FAR CAP subsurface water/groundwater sampling and analytical testing, Innovative generates and submits, to the client and the MDEQ, a FAR CAP Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Report. Each report includes color CAP maps, analytical charts showing the comparison to the applicable RRD of the MDEQ Cleanup Criteria and user friendly text explaining Innovative’s findings.
For further information regarding FAR CAP GWCM Plans please contact Jerome Meyer at (800) 533-7474 and/or or James Springstead at (800) 553-7474 and/or