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Sensitive Receptor Assessments

The implementation of the ASTM risk based corrective action process in Michigan in 1995, placed a focus on identifying sensitive receptors and the urgency for remedial or corrective action based on whether the receptor was already being impacted or was at high risk of being impacted.  Innovative’s sensitive receptor assessments evaluate for the presence of water supply wells, basements, underground storm or sanitary sewer system components such as catch basins and/or manholes and surface water bodies such as creeks, streams, rivers, ponds or lakes.  A critical component of the assessment process is the generation of detailed, scaled Area and Site Maps and identifying, as applicable, the depth, diameter and flow direction of each sensitive receptor(s).  Innovative’s Field Scientist are known for being more detailed orientated and generating field scaled Area and Site Map sketches and identifying the visually identifiable receptors in the study area.  The detailed, scaled field Area and Site Map sketches are then transferred onto color CAD maps with the sensitive receptors shown in bold blue for potable water supply wells and/or surface water bodies and bold green for underground storm and sanitary sewer systems which identify their depth, diameter and flow directions.  Once site assessment soil borings are completed across the project study area, Innovative generates detailed color CAD geologic cross section maps to depict the relationship of the underground or surficial potential receptor and the adsorbed, dissolved and/or phase separated contaminant plums which helps to rank the level of risk associated with the potential receptor.


For further information regarding Sensitive Receptor Assessments please contact Jerome Meyer at (800) 533-7474 and/or or James Springstead at (800) 553-7474 and/or



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